Did Bruce Lee Invent "The Six Diseases"?
Did Bruce Lee invent "the six diseases"? Introduction Marcin Sygula, a friend of Martial History Team and this project, Sourcing Bruce Lee , sent me a link to Bruce Lee Podcast #47, titled The Six Diseases . He noted that the podcast listed what it called "the six diseases," as shown below: Bruce Lee Podcast #47, The Six Diseases In text, the content reads as follows: "The six diseases of the mind are obstacles that you will confront on your path to wholeness and fluidity. These thoughts can keep you from your full expression and growth. The Six Diseases: The desire for victory The desire to resort to technical cunning The desire to display all that has been learned The desire to awe the enemy The desire to play the passive role The desire to get rid of whatever disease one is affected by All of these diseases occur when we seek outside validation." The question is, did Bruce Lee invent these six diseases? And does the podcast's interpretation re...