"To hell with circumstances. I create opportunities."
Introduction Wargamer, https://www.wargamer.com/articles/napoleonic-war-games/ I read the following quote, and as you might expect, it tripped my radar. Bruce Lee supposedly said: "To hell with circumstances. I create opportunities." My question: what are the true origins of this quote? The image above provides a hint, if you're a military history fan. The Authority The most recent "authoritative" source for this quote appears to be the Bruce Lee podcast, episode 74 , with notes published on 28 November 2017. Bruce Lee Podcast 74, https://brucelee.com/podcast-blog/2017/11/28/74-to-hell-with-circumstances The Oldest Online Version My next question is: what is the earliest source we have for Bruce Lee saying this quote, if it indeed exists? The oldest version with the same words that I could retrieve online, with a reliable date, appears in a German language forum, dated 17 February 2007 . The person making the post uses it as his signature:...